Custom Mackintosh designs
Are you a fan of the beautiful stained glass work of Scottish architect and designer Charles Rennie Mackintosh? This iconic architect not only designed buildings, both inside and out, including the furnishings and the artwork, he was also an accomplished watercolorist and even designed his own font!
But for those of us here at Kansas City Stained Glass, it is his stunning stained glass windows that really inspire and impress. With custom designed Mackintosh stained glass, Kansas City residents can get some of this gorgeous art right in their own homes.
Of course, we aren’t talking about Mackintosh’s originals, but rather his particular stained glass style. Our designers use it as inspiration to create custom designs for you that have the look and feel of Mackintosh’s stained glass work.
When it comes to Mackintosh stained glass, Kansas City fans are most familiar with his iconic design that has come to be called the Glasgow Rose. (Mackintosh hailed from Glasgow.) This stylized red rose is frequently done on a clear or frosted background, making the rose itself the focal point of the stained glass piece. His distinctive stained glass style was seen not just in windows but in dramatic lighting fixtures as well. Mackintosh took his inspiration from the natural world.
If you would like to see some examples of custom Mackintosh stained glass Kansas City and other local clients have commissioned, please click here. As you can see, the Glasgow Rose pattern can be done in different colors and different patterns and designs. Such is the beauty of custom stained glass work.
Our custom Mackintosh designs are created to complement your home or office’s style and existing décor. Although Mr. Mackintosh was at the height of his career a century ago, this style can work beautifully with both modern and older buildings. It’s a classic traditional style of stained glass that we really love to create.
Mackintosh Stained Glass, Kansas City residents are discovering, has made the journey across the Atlantic in fine form. It adds grace, elegance, color, and beauty to any room in a home from basement to bedroom, entryway to patio. Where in your home or commercial space can you envision adding some custom Mackintosh stained glass?
If you are looking for custom stained glass, made to your own specifications and your own style, and you love what you’ve seen of Mr. Mackintosh’s work, please contact us today. We would love to design a window or door panel inspired by Mackintosh stained glass, for clients in Kansas City or any of the surrounding areas.