What Are the Most Common Types of Dalle Stained Glass?
Dalle de verre stained glass windows are perhaps some of the most coveted works of art existing today. These brilliant mosaics feature a blaze of colors, enchanting designs, and rich texture. But are all types of Dalle de Verre stained glass the same? Our Kansas City experts tell us no. In fact, there are a few different types of Dalle de Verre. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most popular and well-known styles.
What Is Dalle de Verre?
Dalle de Verre is a type of stained glass window that originated in Paris in the 1930’s. Jean Gaudin is the artist that’s attributed with the invention of the Dalle stained glass technique. Like ordinary stained glass, Dalle de Vere uses bright colorful pieces of glass to create intricate designs and imagery. The difference? It’s three times as thick. Because the glass is so dense and more dye is present, the colors appear more vividly.
Different Types of Dalle Stained Glass
Dalle stained glass can be found both here in Kansas City and across the world. Here are some of the most common styles.
Abstract Dalle Stained Glass
Abstract designs are probably the most common form of Dalle de Verre. Like mosaics, these pieces use color and color alone to create different patterns and imagery.
Dalle de Verre with Religious Motifs
Another common type of Dalle Stained Glass is the religious variety. In 1956, Pierre Fourmaintraux brought Dalle de Verre to the UK. His pupil Dom Charles Norris learned the technique and start incorporating it widely into his pieces for Catholic churches.
Dalle de Verre with Streaked Glass
Most Dalle de Verre pieces use glass that’s stained with a single color. However, there are some styles that use streaked glass instead. For these pieces, different colors of glass are brought to a molten state, then mixed together to create a streaked look.
Contact the Dalle Stained Glass Experts in Kansas City
Kansas City Stained Glass is your source for Dalle Stained Glass in Kansas City. Call our office today to learn more about our services.