Stained Glass In Your New Home
If you are planning on building a new home or are in the process of building a new home and would like stained glass, listen up. Kansas City Stained Glass are the experts when it comes to stained glass. We often work with builders and interior designers to design and build stained glass windows before homes are built.
New home stained glass is becoming one of the hottest trends with a strong consumer response. Of course, if a home buyer is a stained glass lover, they can always add it at any time after construction or after moving into the home. But for you builders, developers, architects and designers who are looking for a way to really attract customers, really make that sale, really stand out head and shoulders above your competition, we advise you to think about stained glass.
Here’s the deal with stained glass. It’s classy. It’s elegant. It’s historical. It’s high-end. It’s unique. It will make your new homes really shine. In today’s market, a business needs every advantage it can get. Adding new home stained glass just might give you that advantage.
We can make that claim for a simple reason. We’ve been in business over two decades, doing custom stained glass. In that time, many of our clients have reported that the stained glass in their homes helped their house to sell quickly, regardless of the market. Because the buyers fell in love with it.
New home buyers are no different. New home stained glass is a smart move as well as a beautiful move. If you have never worked with a custom stained glass firm, we’d love to talk with you. You might think adding stained glass to the entryway or transoms in a new home will push it over your intended price. You might be surprised how affordable it really is, when you work with a company who knows what they are doing.
For you interior designers, if your client has a love of fine hand crafting, artisanship, and uniqueness, if your client wants their home filled with beauty, you can easily delight them. Set up a consultation between us and you and your client. Many people don’t think of stained glass when they think of decorating. At Kansas City Stained Glass, we are on a mission to change that! Please join us!
Whether we are talking about new home stained glass, or adding this beautiful art form at any time after the home has been built, buyers and homeowners love it. Why not contact us today to find out more? We’d love to earn your business.