Custom Stained Glass

How Kansas City Churches Can Benefit from Custom Stained Glass

Stained glass has always played such a large, significant role in churches throughout history. In the past, stained glass was utilized as a tool for teaching the illiterate about the Bible and Christianity. Some of the world's most incredible stained glass features are housed within churches. Custom stained glass offers...

From Switzerland to Paris: Stained Glass Masterpieces Around the World

Due to our passion for stained glass, we're always looking for stained glass masterpieces from around the world to draw inspiration from or just to simply admire. The world is filled with exceptional stained glass collections that are typically featured throughout various houses of worship. For those stained glass enthusiasts...

The Rich And Vibrant History Of Stained Glass In Kansas City

The history of Kansas City's Stained Glass Industry Spring has finally sprung, and with the warm weather and sun comes an influx of tourists interested in the historical buildings spread throughout Kansas City. Stained glass art is often a distinctive feature of such buildings. Kansas City is Home to Countless Works of...

Kansas City Stained Glass custom

Benefits of Creating Custom Stained Glass Design for Your Kansas City Home

Many people have not been exposed to the beauty of stained glass outside of churches. However, stained glass can make a gorgeous accent to any home. Using custom stained glass, Kansas City homeowners can tailor this beautiful decorative element to their own style and taste while experiencing a number of...

Pre-Made v. Custom Stained Glass_ Choosing What's Right for Your Kansas City Home

Pre-Made v. Custom Stained Glass: Choosing What’s Right for Your Kansas City Home

When it comes to deciding your next stained glass investment for your Kansas City home, it's pertinent to understand the underlying differences and advantages between pre-made and custom made stained glass. Both options have a lot to offer-- stained glass can increase home equity, elevate curb appeal, double as a...

How to Incorporate Stained Glass into Kansas City’s Modern Architecture

Kansas City is renowned for its beautiful, traditional stained glass features throughout the historic buildings and homes. Stained glass can often times be associated with antiques, displaying religious and heritage symbolism. Older pieces of stained glass can definitely be associated with all the different art movements, featuring different time periods...

Leaded & Beveled Glass Windows for Privacy & Elegance in Your Kansas City Bathroom

Kansas City Homeowners, are you looking for a privacy solution to your bathroom that doesn't include blinds? Tired of that moisture ruining the curtains or drapes in your Kansas City bathroom? Are you looking for an element of added elegance as well? Leaded and beveled glass windows are the solution...